Thursday, July 19, 2007

8 facts about the little magpie!!!

Was tagged a couple of weeks ago by Mrs Tupperware queen so here goes:

A. Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves.
B. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

1. I was actually introduced to my husband about four years before we actually met by my brother, not sure why but remember being introduced to him even though we just said hi to each other
2. I met my best friend while I was jogging around Central Park (the only time I have jogged in my life), we did not initially hit it off, I thought she was a bitch, she thought I was a snob ! Sixteen years later we are still friends.
3. I am very anal about the way I make my bed. The pillows have to be very precisely positioned, if I could use a ruler to measure, I would.
4. I love reading useless facts especially the ones on the strips off sanitary products
5. My dream job would be to be a stylist, not to the stars but to everyday people. I think I would be great at it.
6. Ever since I was a teenager, I really believed I was going to have three boys, I still think it is strange that I have a daughter
7. One day when my kids are older I would really like to become a foster mum. This has been the case since I was 15 years old.
8. And just in case you still don't know, I luuuuuv the Collingwood football club. The exhiliration I feel at the first bounce of each game is priceless.

As I am new to blogging I could not possibly tag eight people as I don't even know eight people with blogs so will try to tag ONE person, sorry.


donpronto said...

I am not leaving a comment about pillows or sanitary products or your friends that think you a snob,,, I just know the girl who luuuvs the Magpies, even if she does bring a ruler to the football.

Unknown said...

realised I forgot to comment, and was going to giggle at you reading the small print on sanitary products but then... you take a ruler to the football?! what the??!!